Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Which Type Of Light Fixtures Are Appropriate For Your Home?

The first thing to consider before purchasing a light fixture is what its purpose will be. There are different lights for different applications. General or ambient lights are a type of light fixture you would use to light up an entire room. Light fixtures like wall sconces, chandeliers, flush-mount lights and even recessed lights can fall into this category. You would use accent type lighting to better show a small area, like artwork. Tasks, like cooking or using the computer require task lighting.

The type of light bulb you use can drastically affect the feel of a room or the quality of light you'll see when performing a task. Halogen lights provide a light quality that is very bright and with a spectrum that is closest to natural sunlight. These types of fixtures are most often used in task lights.

Fluorescent bulbs are more energy efficient than incandescent light. A 40-watt fluorescent light provides the same brightness as a 100-watt incandescent bulb. The light quality on either depends on the particular make of the bulb. Both incandescent and fluorescent lights come in 'daylight' makes and provide a whiter light than regular bulbs. In the living room, try to avoid having a singular ceiling light fixture being your main light source. Not only will a single ceiling light affect your ability to watch TV because of the glare, it will make the entire room seem less inviting. A matching set of two table lamps and one or two floor lamps will provide light that is warm and welcoming. Plus, since this type of fixture is well shaded, it won't cause nearly as much glare on the TV screen.

An intimate dining room atmosphere can be achieved by using a chandelier that's centrally mounted above the dining room table. A rheostat (also called a dimmer) switch that's in-line with the chandelier gives you the ability to set infinite levels of brightness to coordinate with whatever type of occasion dinner is being served for. Bright for family gatherings and birthday parties, a gentle glow for a more romantic dinner and wine.

Ambient mixed with accent lighting is great for a bedroom. Wall-mounted sconces are great for general lighting. Floor lamps with a task-light on a swing arm are perfect for beside the bed, so you can use it either to read or to get ready for work in the morning without having to stumble across the dark room to hit the switch for the wall sconces.

Recessed lights are great for rooms that have low ceilings because they don't take up any usable space. Even though the space gained by switching to this type of light fixture is minimal, they tend to have the effect of making a room appear much larger and more open than it was prior to installing them.

You should consider the price, style and most importantly the purpose of a light fixture before you buy. Indeed, there's a lot to consider when shopping for a light fixture, but with the basic knowledge outlined above you can be sure that any decision you make will be an informed one.


Indeed, there's a lot to consider when shopping for a light fixture, but with the basic knowledge outlined herein you can be sure that any decision you make will be an informed one.

Brooke Hayles
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