Thursday, March 27, 2008

Switch Plates - A Small Fixture That Can Make Or Break The Look Of Any Room

As your eyes travel through your friend’s new living room, you become pretty impressed by what you see, until you come to the switch plates on the wall. As beautiful as everything else is in the room, these fixtures just are not getting the job done. Really, even though they are a small detail, it is usually the small details that make or break a project.

So, to help your friend out, all you need to do is just drop a hint and let her know that with all the switch plates selections out there, she can easily fix the problem and bring the look of her room together. For example, maybe your friend has a traditional looking living room, filled with antique furniture, a paint job to match, and fabulous woodwork. The ones that she currently has on the walls just clash because they are made from plastic and have that ugly cream color to them. Well, those are just not going to work with her motif and ones that will are some that are crafted from copper that have a vintage finish and intricate detailing pounded right into them. Or, another nice option for a room that has an antique feel are ones crafted out of porcelain or ceramic that have lovely hand painted designs all over them.

When it comes down to it, there are a lot of switch plates to choose from and those just mentioned are only a few of the choices. You can get ones made out of wood, like maple or ash, that come in a wide variety of finishes, including plain or cherry. Others that are available include ones made from different types of metal like steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and chrome or silver that can have a brushed, even oil dipped finish. There are some that are even made out of decorative stone and many others crafted from plastic, but instead of just being a cream color, are available in all types of colors and a slew of fabulous looking patterns. You can even get ones crafted out of brass that are hand crafted, featuring eloquent scrollwork and patterns. Really, there are just so many options to choose from and for an easy way to check them all out, just hit the Internet and do some online shopping. You, and especially your friend, do not have to leave the comfort of your home to see what you could get and in no time you can find the perfect one to match the motif of any room in your home.

If you want to bring the look and feel of any room together, you need to make sure that you have everything in place, particularly the little things. You saw how not having them in place ruined the look of your friend’s living room, so do not let the same thing happen to you. Switch plates so happen to be one of these small details, and with all the available options, you can easily find ones that will cap off the look of any room in your, or your friend’s, home.

As an owner of many indoor and outdoor home furnishing and design sites, Jennifer Akre, discusses valuable product information and comments on switch plates and switchplate covers. Learn how to decorate your home or garden with style. Click today - Shop for: light switch plate.

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