Lava Lamps: Modern Floor Lamps Or Unsightly Fixtures?
The lava lamp, filled with its smelly gunk, should have remained in the 1960s. It is back in fashion today, reminding me how the little girl I was disappointed her mother by buying one against her wishes.
Most styles fall out of favor but some come back in fashion over the years, and it is not always for the best. The modern wonder that is the lava lamp, for instance, is one sixties fixture that I would have preferred remained confined to that decade.
I thought they were the greatest thing ever when I was a kid: several of my friends had one of those floor lamps at home, and so did my older sister in her apartment. As there was no spare outlet in my bedroom, my mother refused to get me one as I had asked for my birthday and Christmas. She didn?t like the way they look so having one in another part of our home was not an option either.
I had always been a well behaved child and listened to my parents, yet my obsession with lava lamps brought out the worst in me: I just had to have one. I managed to save the money I had earned babysitting to go shopping with a girlfriend: a local store was running a sale on lava lamps, so I could not resist the temptation. I thought it would give a really great glow from my closet, so I took my newly acquired lamp to my room thinking that my mom would never find out.
She had however been right about there not being a spare socket in my room: I had to take an extension cord from the storage area and run it behind the dresser in order to get into the closet. I placed the lamp on top of the box that it came with and switched it on. It turned out that the lamp had been on clearance due to its particularly dreadful color, yet I was so excited by my purchase that I really enjoyed watching the brownish orange blobs moving about. Soon afterwards my mother called me down for dinner. We heard a sudden crash upstairs while we were eating. My cat came running down the stairs all puffed up, and flattened to hide under the sofa: she had knocked my new lamp over and scared herself silly in the process.
My mother was wondering were the liquid on the floor came from before she saw the box. The only thing she said was asking me to clean up the mess. This was no easy process: to this day I do not know what kind of liquid goes into lava lamps, but I can tell you that it is slimy and smelly. The blobs were so slippery that they were nearly impossible to pick up, and it took me two hours to have the room cleaned. The smell of the liquid, however, was not going away and I could not sleep in my bedroom that night. I went to tell my mom how sorry I was. This was the only time that she ever said I had disappointed her.
Whenever I see lava lamps in stores today I struggle to remember why I was so obsessed with them, and I can still see my mother?s disappointed face as she told me to clean up the mess.
Andrew Caxton is the author and editor of more lava lamps resources published at A website with tips on modern floor lamps, amongst many related topics.
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